NPM packages
Browse the different Javascript & Typescript packages that I built over time.
Node-based CLI tool to split Shapefile (.shp) files to GeoJSON, being able to filter the features inside by any property
Node-based CLI tool to test an URL to see if it's responding correctly
Helper with misc. math functions such as sums, averages, max, min, etc
Python-inspired named template formatter for Javascript strings
Convert array of objects to CSV-like array of row data arrays'
Helper function to get all neighbouring geohashes inside a radius, from a given coordinate
Functions to help usage of localStorage or sessionStorage
Helper functions to convert BBoxes to multiple formats
A CLI program to clone indexes from a MongoDB database to another
Script to check for missing keys in translation files
Reduces a date range to full years, full months, and days between two dates.
Get a list of geohashes between a starting and end geohash, in a desired direction.
Simple helper to obtain the count of different array item's types.
Helper functions to read files as text, JSON, and additional formats.
Get a random coordinate or GeoJSON Point inside a geohash, or check if a coordinate is inside a geohash
Get an overview of your most used dependencies in your projects. It reads all the project directories in the specified path, looks for the package.json and outputs a table.
Perform filter + map or map + filter operations on an array in one go
Simple async wrapper to wait for a certain amount of time.
Compress a list of geohashes using the best combination across various precisions
A TypeScript utility to calculate aircraft climb and descent parameters.
Browser module to download data to JSON or CSV easily. Thought as a companion for Highcharts
Package that encompasses multiple number-related functions such as formatting numbers with specific decimals, checking types, etc.
Helper to create scales: linear, logarithmic, quantile, quantize
Library to convert geohashes to multiple GeoJSON polygons or a single GeoJSON FeatureCollection
Utility to calculate aspect ratio from coordinates BBox
Helps you find the common parent geohash from points, geohashes, bounding boxes, polygons or other GeoJSON shapes
Helper function to sort multiple arrays based on master array sorting
Comprehensive set of functions and helpers to check multiple biorhythm-related data
Helper functions to cluster geohashes based on their values
Misc. functions for finding elements in arrays, sorting, and more
Find the geohashes of a given precision along a GeoJSON LineString or MultiLineString Geometry or Feature.
A simple wrapper for Photon API by komoot. Search for a place or perform a reverse lookup.
Generate any number of combinations between a min, a max, and given a certain length for lotteries.
Count or aggregate arrays by string or number buckets
Parse Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) .pln XML files into JSON
Merge multiple geobuf-encoded geometries together
A lightweight utility library for converting H3 cells to GeoJSON features and geometries, along with additional tools for working with the H3 geoindexing system